Rapid determination of available chlorine (instructions for chlorine test paper) 1. scope of
application: this method can be used for the rapid test of effective chlorine
content in chlorine containing disinfectants, with the test range of 10 ~
2000ppm (mg / L). 2. Operation steps: 2.1 gently rotate
the box cover and draw out the test paper with a length of 2 ~ 3cm, 2.2 pull off the
test paper on the oblique teeth of the test paper box, 2.3 immerse the test
paper in the disinfectant for about 1 second, take it out, shake off the
excess liquid, and compare it with the color card for quantification within 3
~ 30 seconds. 2.4 gently rotate
the box cover, block the test paper, and put it back into the self sealing
bag for storage. 3. remarks: the test
paper shall be stored in a cool and dry place with a validity period of 36
months. 有效氯或过氧化消毒剂浓度的快速测定 方法编号:CDC-3052 1 适用范围:本方法可用于含氯消毒剂中有效氯含量的快速测试,也可用于过氧化物消毒剂如过氧化氢(双氧水)、过氧乙酸含量的快速测定。测试范围10~2000ppm(mg/L)。 另外,对于不法份子将消毒剂用于水发水产品的现象,采用本方法亦可达到快速的测定。 2 操作步骤: 2.1 一只手持试纸盒,另一只手拉出试纸2~3cm长度, 2.2 按住试纸在试纸盒斜状齿上拉断试纸, 2.3 将试纸浸入消毒液中约1秒钟取出,甩掉多余液体,3~30秒内与对照色卡比对定量, 2.4 轻轻旋动盒盖,卡住试纸,防止退缩。 3备注 3.1我国《食(饮)具消毒卫生标准》GB14934要求,在采用含氯消毒剂消毒时,有效氯浓度应达到250ppm(250mg/L或0.025%)、浸泡5分钟以上。被消毒的餐具等物品在消毒前应去残渣、去油、清水涮后进行消毒。 3.2在采取擦拭、淋洒等方式对食品加工器具进行消毒时,消毒液中有效氯的浓度可以提高到450ppm(450mg/L或0.045%)。 3.3 疫情中(参考医院消毒) 手消毒:250ppm 物体表面消毒:250~500ppm 空气消毒(无人时喷雾):1000ppm 感染病人用品:2000ppm 3.4 在100 ppm以下时,双氧水与含氯消毒剂的显色状况相同,当双氧水的含量大于100ppm时,显色呈条带状且靠近于干试纸一端,见图像显示。 3.5试纸在阴凉干燥处保存,有效期36个月,生产日期见包装标示。 消毒液消毒对象、有效氯浓度和消毒时间参考表